Rapid Low Temperature Circulating Bath 10-RLB113

Rapid Low Temperature Circulating Bath 10-RLB113

Product #10-RLB113

Price: $7860

About this Item:

Rapid Low Temperature Circulating Bath 10-RLB113 features a volume capacity of 10L and operates within a temperature range from -40 °C to 200 °C. It ensures stable low temperatures utilising microcomputer technology. This device has a reliable refrigeration unit to maintain optimal conditions. Our rapid low temperature circulating bath is engineered for efficient cooling and precise temperature control.

Volume 10 L
Temperature Range - 40 °C to 200 °C
Temperature Stability ± 0.1 °C
Pump Flow 20 L / min
Refrigerating Capacity 3610 W
Head of Delivery 10 m
Temperature Control Tier Number 32
Power Consumption 2500 W
    • Low-temperature cooling pump

    • LCD display

    • Built-in liquid level monitor 

    • Anti-corrosive circulatory system

  • Our Rapid Low Temperature Circulating Bath is ideal for maintaining low temperatures in reaction experiments and cryogenic processes. It is widely used in laboratories, pharmaceutical development, and industrial settings.

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