Kinematics Viscometer 52-KVM101

Kinematics Viscometer 52-KVM101

Price: $2292

Kinematic Viscometer is used for precise measurement with capillary viscometers. It is made according to “Test Methods for Kinematic Viscosity of Petroleum Products and Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity” as per ASTM D445.

Ambient temperature (-10) °C ~ 35 °C
Relative humidity ≤ 85 %
Capillary viscometer 11 pieces
Stirring motor 6 W, 1200 rpm
Temperature controlling accuracy ± 0.1 °C
Constant temperature bath 20 L; two layers water bath
Temperature sensor Industrial platinum resistance; Pt100
Inner capillary viscometer diameters 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 mm respectively (inner diameters of 5.0 and 6.0mm are optional)
  • LCD temperature controller
    High Temperature control accuracy which can reach ± 0.1 ℃
    Uniform water bath temperature
    Electric stirring device
    Convenient to operate and gives fast response
  • It is used in the fields of petroleum & its products industries, research and development department.

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