Paper tearing tester  61-PPT122

Paper tearing tester 61-PPT122

Price: $1344

Paper tearing tester is an advanced instrument used for testing tearing strength of the paper and paperboard. This tearing tester comes with 43 ± 0.5 mm tearing distance and 104 mm long tearing arm to locate paper material properly & perform the tearing test.

Measuring range 0 to 1000 mN
Resolution 0.1 mN
Indication error ± 1 %
Tearing arm 104 ± 1 mm
Tearing angle 27.5° ± 0.5°
Tearing distance 43 ± 0.5 mm
  • Compact, portable design
    Stainless steel right-angled triangular pyramid attached to solid arm design
    Tearing angle 27.5° with ± 0.5° precision
    User friendly operations
  • Paper tearing tester has applications in determining tearing resistance property of paper films, sheets, woven materials, polypropylene, polyester, paper, cardboard, textile material sheets etc.

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